Welcome to our admitted PhD & MS students!
Submit your official transcripts NOW! You won't be able to register until your transcripts have been received.
If you're finishing your undergrad degree, request that your current transcript be sent to gradadmit@ucdavis.edu now and then request another one with your earned degree on the transcript in the Fall (if your university will only mail transcripts, ask them to use the address on this page).
April - request that your official transcripts be sent directly from your university to gradadmit@ucdavis.edu (this allows you to register for Fall).
- establish your computing account, submit your statement of legal residence
May 12th - Fall registration opens! It's so early but that's when it opens. Registering for classes doesn't need to happen right away, but try to register sooner than later. The grad student fee deadline will be in November.
September/October - if you're finishing your degree in May/June 2024, once your degree shows up on your transcript, request that your official transcript be sent directly from your university to gradadmit@ucdavis.edu (this allows you to register for Winter quarter).
PhD Program Planner (pdf)
MS Program Planner (pdf)
Academic Calendar - Fall classes begin Wed, September 24th, 2025!
Registration Calendar
New Student Information
- Graduate Studies site for Newly Admitted Students
- Graduate Studies is the office that oversees policy & administration for all UCD graduate programs.
Their site has a wealth of info you'll access throughout your time as a grad student (for forms and deadlines, etc).
As an admitted student, you'll find important information about how to submit your official transcripts (submit soon to avoid a hold for Fall enrollment!), and more. - Registration
- Steps to registration:
1) Contact your university and request that official transcripts be sent to gradadmit@ucdavis.edu (or if they need to be mailed, see the Graduate Studies page for more info).
NOTE: If you're finishing your undergrad degree, request that your current transcript be sent to gradadmit@ucdavis.edu now and then request another one with your earned degree on it in the Fall (if your university will only mail transcripts, ask them to use the address on this page).
2) Once your official transcripts have been processed, you can register! UC Davis students register using Schedule Builder. Here are the steps new students will take the first time they register - outlined in more detail in the new student checklists in the Admissions Portal.
MS students:
Typical plan: you should register for STA 200A and STA 206 and one elective. For the elective, you could take a variety of courses, including STA 141A, BST 222, BST 227 or a Life Science elective.
See sample study plans here and course schedules here.
FAQ: If you are registering for an upper division undergraduate course (100-level course), you may be asked to fill out a prerequisite waiver form in order to register for the class. Fill out the waiver form with your relevant experience and then enroll in the course!
PhD Students:
Typical plan: students usually register for STA 231A, STA 232A, BST 222 and STA 390. See sample study plans here and course schedules here. - Housing
Housing Resources:
Most leases in Davis will be for the full academic year, so be sure to do your research before signing a lease.
UC Davis-affiliated:
- Student Housing Office (Official UC Davis information).
On Campus Housing Eligibility
On campus housing for graduate students: University apartments
- Community Housing Listing, operated by Associated Students of UCD. This site is especially helpful if you are interested in renting a room in a larger house
- Housing Info on the Graduate Studies site
- Housing info from Services for International Students & Scholars (SISS)
Not affiliated with UC Davis:
- Davis Wiki Includes great resources about rental housing in Davis and Apartments
Great list of apartments in Davis: Davis Wiki apartments page here
- Craigslist.org Some apartments, and room leases will be listed here.
- Uloop.com Like craigslist, has individual postings.
- Yelp.com Includes reviews of apartments near Davis.
Helpful Facebook pages:
- UC Davis Student Housing
- UCDAVIS Housing, Rooms, Apartments, Sublets
- UC Davis Housing - Grad/Professional Students - private
- UC Davis Off-Campus Housing
- UC Davis Last Minute Housing Search
Note: Always be cautious of scams or misleading information when searching for housing online.- Health Insurance (SHIP), Immunizations, SHIP Waiver info
All registered UC Davis Students are automatically enrolled in the UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP) in order to meet the UC Regents mandate that all UC students have health insurance coverage as a non-academic condition of enrollment.
Student Health & Counseling Services: Information for new students
Includes: Immunization requirements, COVID-19 vaccine requirement & information, and health insurance (SHIP) information.
For the safety and well-being of the entire university community, the policy requires, with few exceptions, that all students, faculty and staff be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus before they will be allowed on campus or in a facility or office.
However, if you are already covered by a health insurance plan, and do not wish to be enrolled in UC SHIP, you can waive enrollment by submitting a waiver application prior to the start of each new academic year. Waiver applications need to be submitted each academic year so that we have the most up to date information regarding your insurance coverage.The deadline to submit the waiver is September 1.
- Domestic Students: Establishing California Residency
READ Info in these two links:
You must take steps to establish California residence at least one full year before the start of the quarter in which you wish to be classified as a resident and the sooner the better.
In other words, take care of all of the things bulleted below by the end of your first Fall quarter!!
For tuition purposes, physical presence and intent must be demonstrated for more than one year. Intent includes, but is not limited to:
- having a California driver’s license or ID card (even if you don't own a vehicle)
- registering your vehicle with CA DMV (vehicles must be registered in California within 20 days of arrival)
- registering to vote and voting
- using a California permanent address on all records
- paying state income tax as a resident
Start your petition during the quarter preceding the one for which you seek reclassification (so, Spring before your 2nd year).
Return the completed petition at least two weeks before the start of the quarter (Fall of your second year).
Feel free to email the Residence Deputy at residencedeputy@ucdavis.edu with any questions or confirmations.
TIP: Go to the DMV and get a CA ID asap (even if you don't drive here!) and change everything you can think of to your CA address.- FAQs
- When does school start?
While the 2025-26 academic year officially starts on Monday, September 22, Fall classes start on Wednesday, Sept 24th. The last day of the 2025-26 academic year is June 11th, 2026. Master academic calendar.
When does registration start?
Registration starts May 24th, 2025. Send your official transcripts today! You will be able to register once you send your official transcripts to the Graduate Studies office. Until they are processed, you'll have a hold on your registration. Transcript instructions.
Who do I contact to start my I-20?
The UC Davis SISS (Services for International Students & Scholars) can help with all I-20 & visa-related issues. This pre-arrival checklist is very helpful. If you have questions, contact your SISS advisor.
Which courses should I register for?
There are typical timelines on the MS page and the PhD page. You will be assigned a faculty advisor during the summer. If you have course questions now, contact:
PhD Students: Andi Carr (abcarr@ucdavis.edu)
MS Students: Amy McFarland (acmcfarland@ucdavis.edu)
Are the Biostatistics MS and PhD programs STEM designated programs (and therefore students would be eligible for a 24-month OPT (Optional Practical Training) extension)?
Yes, our programs are STEM designated degree programs.
New Student Orientations (2025 dates TBA!)
- Sept 16: Graduate Studies Resource Fair
- September 16, 2024, 10am, Walker Hall - Graduate Studies Resource Fair (in person)
Graduate Studies is the administrative office overseeing all of UCD's 100+ graduate programs. They set policy, approve & process paperwork relating to your milestones such as candidacy, comprehensive exams & filing for graduation. They have fantastic resources relating to mentoring (& being a mentee), employment, professional development, mental health, disability, and more. So, their resource fair will have a lot of information directly related to your experience as a graduate student! Grad Studies is now located in a newly renovated building, Walker Hall, that has space for grad students to study and meet (with or without children in tow) so you'll get to see this new space as well.
- Sept 23: TA Orientation (mandatory if you will TA in 2024-25)
- MON, September 23rd, 2024 - TA Orientation for Stats & Biostats students hosted by UCD's Center for Educational Effectiveness
PhD students are assigned to TA Statistics courses and are required to participate in this orientation.
MS students who want to apply to be a Teaching Assistant across campus for any quarter of 2024-25, this hybrid (online & in-person) orientation is mandatory.
REGISTER HERE by Sept 13th at 5pm
All TA positions are posted on the UCD Handshake site (Tip: Use the search term “STDT”). Once you set up your account, it takes a couple of weeks to be approved and then you'll have access. - Sept 24: Biostatistics Program Orientation (required)
- TUES, September 24, 2024, 10:30am - 3pm: Biostatistics Orientation for new Biostatistics graduate students (MS & PhD) at the Math Sciences Building (MSB) 1147.
Orientation will start with lunch with the new Statistics students and include a program orientation where you will learn more about your PhD or MS program with the faculty directors as well as a student panel where you can ask all of your burning questions.
TA Meeting for PhD Students only: TUES, September 24, 2024, 4-5pm (MSB 1147) - Online: Graduate Studies Orientation: Aggie 201
- Aggie 201: Graduate Student Orientation - Sponsored by Graduate Studies, Aggie 201 is an online orientation platform that provides a resource and services overview for new graduate students. Consisting of modules and videos, Aggie 201 helps new students prepare for some of the expected and unexpected aspects of graduate school. We encourage all incoming graduate students to use orientation as an opportunity to become familiar with the various university processes and services.
- Online: International Student Orientation
- International Graduate Student Orientation - New international students will be required to watch a series of short videos about a variety of topics in iGlobal and then answer questions regarding these videos in order to complete their SISS orientation requirement. SISS will be emailing students with more details and instructions on how to complete this requirement.
Check out the SISS website for socials, Davis/Campus tours and more! Plus optional In Person Orientations: Sept 17th & 18th.
- Online: Mandatory Sexual Assault Prevention (SAP) Training
- To complete the SAP requirement, students will receive an email invite in which they will need to access and complete the online Sexual Assault Prevention module via Everfi. After six weeks from the date assigned, a registration hold will be placed on the accounts of students who did not complete the SAP requirement. The hold will prevent them from registering for 2025 Winter Quarter classes.
More information can be found here.
The university’s policy on sexual harassment and sexual violence.
International Students
- SISS: Visa/Travel Resources
- Services for International Students & Scholars (SISS) is your best resource for all visa and immigration documents, issues and questions as well as a welcoming place with events and community connection.
SISS Resource: International Student Pre-Arrival Checklist
If you are applying for a new student visa, check the status of visa services at your nearest embassy or consulate; you may be automatically eligible to be considered for a National Interest Exception (NIE) to travel.
SISS has International Student Advisors available to consult with you by appointment. Please visit the SISS website for information on who you should meet with and how to make an appointment. - English Language Requirements
UC Davis has three English Language requirements for international students. As an admitted student, you have already fulfilled the first admissions requirement! If you do not plan to apply for a Teaching Assistant position, you do not need to fulfill the third requirement.
The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.
First-Year English Course requirement (more info here):
All graduate students are required to enroll in an English language course (UWP225 or UWP226 or equivalent) during their first academic year, unless they meet any of the conditions listed above.
Notes: you cannot mix & match TOEFL scores from different tests. TOEFL Home Edition is allowable.
Students are required to only take one of the available courses that fulfill the requirement, but they may choose to take more if they would like more language or writing instruction. Besides UWP 225 and UWP 226, another way to satisfy the first-year requirement is by taking courses that are considered equivalents by the Graduate Council. These equivalents are all undergraduate courses. See below for more detail.
University Writing Program (UWP) course options:
UWP 225 (offered Fall/Winter/Spring) - Multi-skills Academic English for International Graduate Students
UWP 226 (offered Winter/Spring) - Writing for International Graduate Students
UWP 102 series - Writing in the Disciplines
UWP 104 series - Writing in the Professions
TA/AI (Teaching Assistant/Associate Instructor) Language Proficiency requirement:
Find more information about eligibility and the TOEP (Test of Oral English Proficiency) exam here.
Tuition & Funding
- Tuition
- 2024-25 Graduate Tuition & Fees
Cost of Attendance for Graduate Studies Programs
Tuition is charged quarterly. In Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters, tuition is determined based on the student’s full-time or part-time enrollment status. Graduate students in full-time status are enrolled in 12 units or more per quarter (tuition does not increase if taking over 12 units). Graduate students in part-time status can enroll in no more than 6 units and must apply for part-time status by the 10th day of instruction.
Enrolling in under 12 units may affect funding, SHIP, employment, and visa status. International students must be enrolled full time. - Funding & Employment
- PhD students may be offered funding with admission, typically through a combination of employment and fellowships. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer financial support to MS students. However, all students may apply for fellowships or student employment positions.
Please visit the UC Davis Graduate Studies website for more information on applying for fellowships.
Student Employment in the Statistics Department
We employ graduate students as possible as Teaching Assistants (TA), Graduate Student Researchers (GSR), or Readers. (Visit here for more information about these positions.) TA, GSR, and Reader positions at 25% or more FTE come with tuition and fee remission (NRST remission varies by position).
Our TA positions go to our PhD students first, and we occasionally put out a call to our MS students if we have more positions available. We also hire MS students as Readers when we have positions available. (2nd-year MS students typically have higher priority than 1st-year MS students). We advertise these posts directly your UCD email and do not advertise externally to students in other programs. Check your UCD email!
Student Employment outside the Statistics Department
Graduate students can apply for on-campus employment across campus. Typical student positions include TA, GSR, Reader, and Student Assistant (STDT) positions. Positions are advertised on the UCD Handshake site and change quarterly.
You can join UC Davis Handshake after you submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) and create your UCD computing account:
• UCD Career Center resource page on Handshake
• Handshake article: Getting Started with Handshake
• Tip: Use the search term "STDT" to find Student Assistant positions in Handshake
GSR positions
GSR positions availability depends on faculty need and funding. If you are interested in a GSR position, we recommend connecting with faculty, as they often hire GSRs with a specific student in mind. - New Student Employees
- 10 Financial Support Tips for New Graduate Students
Graduate Studies: TA, AI__, GSR, and Reader Appointments