Aggie Compass - Basic Needs Center and a wealth of resources: Mental Wellness, Financial, Food Security, Housing
Current MS Students
MS Degree Planner (pdf)
- Program of Study
- The program of study will be adjusted to individual needs by the Biostatistics Graduate Adviser. This is a M.S. Plan II program which requires a comprehensive exam (no thesis). A minimum of 49 units is required (graduate and upper division), of which at least 18 must be graduate courses in the major field (according to university regulations). Not more than 9 units of research (299 or equivalent) may be used to satisfy the 18-unit requirement.
See a typical timeline on the MS Program in Biostatistics page.
Full-time students must enroll in 12 units per quarter including research, academic and seminar units. Courses that fulfill any of the program course requirements may not be taken S/U unless the course is normally graded
S/U. Once course requirements are completed, students can take additional classes as needed, including a research class (299), seminars, or additional electives, approved by your faculty Graduate Advisor.
Per UC regulations, students should not ordinarily enroll in more than 12 units of graduate level courses (200) or more than 16 units of combined undergraduates and graduate level (100, 200, 300) courses per quarter.
- Using OASIS (Online Advising Student Information System)
OASIS is a great online tool for students (and program coordinators). If you did your undergraduate degree at UC Davis, you are probably already familiar with OASIS. While OASIS is not used as much for graduate students, there are still some excellent tools in OASIS that we recommend to our students.
Home: Quick links to advising and health resources and other student applications (Schedule Builder, MyBill, etc.).
Academic Record:
• View "Courses" to see a record of all your current and previously taken course information, including units, grades, and instructors (use the "Columns" drop down menu to select information to display).
• View "Holds" to check if you have any current holds preventing registration for courses. If you do have a hold, this page will include information about the hold and what action is needed to remove the hold.
Degree Worksheets: View, edit, or create new degree worksheets. Degree worksheets are program planners that help you plan your courses and check your progress towards completing your degree. Andi and Amy use this tool often and find it extremely helpful!
GPA Charts & Tools: This tab includes multiple tools to calculate or review details of your GPA. You may find the "What if GPA" tool particularly helpful, as it can help you understand how potential grades may impact your GPA. Remember, as long as your cumulative GPA is 3.0 or higher, you are eligible to graduate!
- BST 299
- BST 299 is a variable unit course which students can take (with faculty approval) for a variety of purposes. BST 299 is graded as S/U. The options for our MS students to take BST 299 are:
1. Data Analysis Project (up to 4 units)
2. Summer Internship & CPT (1 unit, international students only)
Option 1: Data Analysis Project (up to 4 units)
Students can do an independent research project with the help of a faculty member. A Data Analysis Project under BST 299 is an approved substitute for STA 260. To take BST 299 for a Data Analysis Project:
1. Identify a faculty member within the Graduate Group of Biostatistics (GGB) to serve as the faculty sponsor and Instructor of Record for BST 299. Note: While you may do a project with faculty outside of GGB, you will need to contact their department to register for 299 units within their department. You will also need your faculty advisor's approval to use a different 299 towards your degree requirements.
2. Complete the Variable Unit Course Contract together with the faculty sponsor and send it to Amy.
3. After we receive your contract, we will send you the CRN for BST 299 with your faculty sponsor. Be sure to register for the number of units approved by the faculty sponsor.
Option 2: Summer Internship & CPT (1 unit, international students only)
International students can receive 1 unit of BST 299 during summer for CPT. Typically, a faculty advisor serves as the Instructor of Record for BST 299 for summer CPT. To take 1 unit of BST 299 with summer CPT:
1. Apply for CPT in iGlobal.
2. After your CPT is approved by SISS, we will send you the CRN for STA 299 during Summer Special Session. Register for only 1 unit. (Registering for more than 1 unit is unnecessary and summer tuition is charged per unit.)
3. Complete the Internship Experience Survey—the more details you share, the more knowledge we have to help students find internships.
- Comprehensive Exam
Students in the M.S. program must attempt the comprehensive exam when nearly all coursework is complete, typically in the last quarter in the program. Every M.S. student needs to pass the comprehensive exam in a maximum of two attempts. If a student fails the first attempt, the second attempt must be made before the end of the next quarter; in particular, if the first attempt is made in Spring, the second attempt must be made over the summer. Failure to pass the comprehensive exam at the second attempt will result in a recommendation to the Dean of Graduate Studies for disqualification of the student from the graduate program.
The M.S. Comprehensive Examination consists of a written technical report and an oral defense on a scientific project involving the application of Biostatistical theory and methods. This project should be well written and should have the potential to be publishable in a scientific journal. The chair of the committee will provide the student with a scientific project involving real-life study design and/or data analysis. The student will have at most four weeks to complete the project and write the written technical report. The final written report should be submitted to the comprehensive exam committee at least one week prior to the pre-determined exam date. The exam committee will schedule an oral defense with the candidate in which the candidate presents the project and answers questions about the work. After this oral defense, the committee will make a decision on whether to pass the candidate. Each student will receive a written evaluation on the performance on the examination, which will be discussed with the Biostatistics Master Graduate Adviser.
As an alternative to satisfy the MS comprehensive examination requirement, students who pass
the PhD preliminary written examination (see the PhD degree requirements, section 8.a for details) at the masters level (a threshold set by the preliminary written examination committee) will meet this requirement. Any attempt to pass the PhD preliminary written examination by a MS student will be counted as a first attempt to pass the MS comprehensive exam at the MS level and also the PhD preliminary written examination at the PhD level. Failure at the PhD level counts as a failed first attempt of the PhD preliminary written examination, and failure at the MS level as a failed first attempt at the MS comprehensive exam. Any graduate student has at most two attempts at this exam, regardless of the program the student is enrolled in.
Summary of Student Responsibilities: Detailed instructions found here (pdf)!1 – Identify your exam Chair
2 – Notify your advisor, the Dept Chair and the Program Coordinator of who the Chair will be
3 – Schedule your oral exam. Please include all 4 committee members on the emails for scheduling, so you can get availability for all 4. Danielle will make the determination of the committee for each student based on availability
4 – Review relevant literature, analyze data & write up a report
5 – Send report to the committee 1 week prior to the oral portion of the exam
6 – Provide report abstract to Program Coordinator at least 1 week before oral exam
7 – Prepare presentation for oral exam
- Advancing to Candidacy (MS)
Advancing to candidacy is the first step in the graduation process and confirms to Graduate Studies that you have made significant progress towards finishing your degree. While the candidacy application requires you to provide your course plan and estimated graduation term, many students change their course plan and/or graduation term after advancing to candidacy. Advancing to candidacy does not lock you into a specific course plan or graduation term.
Plan II M.S. Candidates (that's you!) apply to advance to candidacy after completing approximately one-half of their course requirements (or once your degree plan is set) and at least one quarter before completing all their degree requirements. You are eligible to apply to candidacy when you have:
1. Passed at least half (36 units) of the required coursework according to the program degree requirements.
2. Earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
How to apply for candidacy in GradSphere:
1. Pay the candidacy fee and save a pdf of your receipt. You will need to upload your receipt in GradSphere as part of your candidacy application.
2. Login to GradSphere using your CAS login. Under “Graduate Forms,” click the dark blue button labeled “Advancement to Candidacy.”
3. Complete the “Student Information” and “Candidacy Information” sections. Be sure to upload your candidacy receipt.
4. Coursework Required for Your Degree:
a. You should only list courses required for completion of your degree. We prepare a degree worksheet in OASIS that lists these courses—please let Amy know if you have any questions or if the worksheet needs to be updated.
b. You can view more information about your courses (including grade and instructor) in OASIS > Academic Record > Courses. View instructors by using the “Columns” drop down menu.
c. Transfer coursework: In general, our students do not use transfer coursework for their degree. You will most likely answer “No” to the question about transfer coursework. (Transfer coursework includes classes you took at another university or through UC Davis Extension / Open Campus that has been approved by your Graduate Advisor to use towards your degree.)
5. Review and submit your candidacy application or save and close to return to the application later.
After you submit your candidacy application it will be forwarded to your Graduate Advisor for their review and approval. They may return it to you for revision. After they approve it, your application will be forwarded to Graduate Studies for review and processing. Once your application is complete, you should receive an email from Graduate Studies confirming your advancement to candidacy.
How do I know if I've already advanced to candidacy?
When Graduate Studies advances you to candidacy, they send you an email confirming your advancement. If you can't find that email, you can also look in OASIS. At the top of all OASIS pages is a yellow banner with your name, photo, and other information. If you have advanced to candidacy, at the right of this banner you will see the words "Advanced to Candidacy.""Advanced to Candidacy" would appear at the bottom of the text in the blue box. Note: If you are a double-major (either two MS programs or a PhD + MS), OASIS will not specify which program you have advanced to candidacy in. If you have any questions about which program your candidacy applies to, please email Amy.
- Filing to Graduate
At least one quarter before you graduate:
1. Apply to advance to candidacy (see above section)
a. Master's Plan II Report: After you advance to candidacy and pass the comprehensive exam, the program submits your Master's Plan II Report on your behalf to confirm you have passed the comprehensive exam.
In your final quarter:
2. Submit the Filing Process form
3. Complete our Graduation Exit Survey
4. Submit a diploma mailing address to the Office of the University Registrar
Filing Process
To file to graduate, you will need to submit the Filing Process form in GradSphere. The deadline to submit the Filing Process form is the last day of instruction of the term for which you want to file.
Submitting the Filing Process form files you to graduate. Filing for graduation cannot be undone, so be sure that you specify the correct graduation term in the form and submit only when you are ready to file.
When Graduate Studies files you to graduate, they will email you a PDF of your Degree Conferral Letter. This letter confirms you have completed all graduation requirements and will be awarded your master's degree on the date of conferral. Many employers, organizations, and government departments who require verification of degree will be satisfied with this letter in the time before your transcript is updated and your diploma is mailed.
Graduation Exit Survey
When you graduate, please complete our Graduation Exit Survey. When you complete the survey, you provide us with the following information:
• Your post-graduate career and/or education plans
• Your feedback about our program, faculty, and your work/research experience
• Your non-UCD email address so we can keep you informed of job postings and department news/events (optional)This information is confidential and used only within GGB. Any feedback you share will be kept anonymous.
Your answers help us improve our program and help future students in their studies and careers. We greatly appreciate your time in taking this survey!
Diplomas are ordered from an off-campus printer and mailed by the Office of the University Registrar (OUR), not Graduate Studies or the Graduate Group in Biostatistics. You must submit a diploma mailing address using OUR's webform or PDF form before OUR will mail your diploma. When you provide your address, be sure to use a mailing address that you will have access to for several months to a year after graduation (international students may want to provide an address in their home country). For more information about ordering diplomas (including shipping and tracking options), please visit:
Graduate Studies Diplomas, Transcripts and Verification
Office of the University Registrar Diplomas
- I Graduated, Now What?!
Congratulations! All of that hard work paid off! Here are some FAQs to hopefully answer, "Now what?"
Q: Will I be notified about my graduation? What happens with all of that candidacy & graduation paperwork I turned in?
A: Your graduation paperwork will be processed by the Graduate Studies office and you'll receive an email with confirmation of your degree and a conferral letter approximately a month after the quarter ends.
Q: When will I get my diploma?
A: Diplomas are mailed about 4 months after the quarter ends. In the degree confirmation email Graduate Studies sends out, there will be instructions about the diploma. But, if you want to get a head start, please see the information on the Registrar's site. Fill out the diploma mailing address change form at the end of the quarter (at least one month before the diploma will be distributed (see distribution dates here).
Q: Can I keep my UC Davis email address?
A: Graduate students graduating or separating from the university will have the option to convert their email to a email address or allow their account to close. Once transitioned, former graduate students will have access to a email account for two years after graduation or separation. Graduate students may opt-in for a third year. Accounts will have a 20GB storage limit.
Consult the student email transition chart for a deeper look at the difference between and accounts.
More information from IET about transitioning your UCD email address.Step 1: Switch to an alternative email account
If you use DavisMail ( email) as your primary email account, open a new account or switch to another email.Step 2: Transfer your email and files
Back up your account and move important emails from your DavisMail account to your new email account.
Current PhD Students
PhD Degree Planner (pdf)
- Program of Study
- The program of study will be adjusted to individual needs by the Biostatistics Graduate Adviser. A minimum of 58 units is required. Every full time graduate student must register for a minimum of 12 units per quarter. These 12 units can be made up of a combination of required coursework as described below, additional elective coursework if any, and 299’s.
- Milestone Timeline
- Year 1: take PhD Preliminary written exam in Spring quarter after completing STA 231A and STA 231B and BST 222 and BST 223.
Year 2: Dissertation Research and PhD Qualifying exam in Spring.
Years 3 - 6: Complete requirements for the PhD degree, including practicum, dissertation and defense (final oral exam).
Detailed information on Practicum and exams can be found on the PhD Program page. - Qualifying Exam Committee & Dissertation Committee
- Qualifying Examination Committee: the examining committee consists of five members, at least three but no more than four of whom are members of the GGB. Members will be appointed in accordance with the policies of the Graduate Council and Office of Graduate Studies at the recommendation of the Graduate Adviser who consults with the student prior to making the recommendation. The Major Professor (if already identified) is not eligible to serve on the QE committee. Conversely, faculty serving on the QE committee are ordinarily ineligible to serve as the Major Professor.
Dissertation Committee: the student, in consultation with their Major Professor, nominates three faculty to serve on the Dissertation Committee, one of whom is the Major Professor who serves as Chair of the committee. These nominations are submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies for formal appointment in accordance with Graduate Council Policy (DDB 80. Graduate Council B.1.). - Advising Structure & Mentoring
- The major professor is the faculty member who supervises the research and dissertation; this person serves as the Chair of the Dissertation Committee. A Ph.D. student will select an area of specialization and will choose a dissertation adviser (Major Professor) from the Graduate Group in Biostatistics faculty working in that area, usually in the second or third year of study after passing the Ph.D. preliminary written examination. The Master Graduate Advisor, in consultation with the Committee of Advisors, assists students with identifying a major professor and ensures that each student finds his/her major professor in the area of student’s research interest.
The Master Graduate Advisor is identified by the chair of the program from among the appointed Graduate Advisors, assists graduate students in developing a study plan, and has signatory authority for the Master’s and Ph.D. programs.
Biostatistics program faculty are committed to high quality mentoring of the graduate students. As such, we have adopted the following mentoring guidelines. - Advancement to Candidacy
- The student is eligible for advancement to Candidacy for the Ph.D. degree upon completion of all course requirements and after passing the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination, usually within two to three quarters of passing the Ph.D. Preliminary Written Examination. Well-prepared students with sufficient statistical/biostatistical background prior to enrollment in the Graduate Group are expected to advance to candidacy by the end of the six quarter in the program. Otherwise, students are expected to advance to candidacy by the end of the ninth quarter in the program.
Fill out the Plan A candidacy form. Pay the $90 fee online. Send the form and receipt to Andi Carr ( in the Grad Office. - Getting Your MS Along the Way
- NOTE: If you are an international student, please consult with SISS before applying for your MS. There may be implications for OPT and it may be best to wait and get your MS at the same time as your PhD.
OVERVIEW - 3 STEPS to obtain your MS
1. Add the MS degree objective to your student record
2. Apply to advance to MS candidacy
a. Master's Plan II Report: After you advance to candidacy and pass the preliminary exam at the Master's level, the program submits your Master's Plan II Report on your behalf to confirm you have passed the preliminary exam.
3. Submit the Filing Process form
1. In GradSphere, download the pdf form from for the "Petition to Change/Add Major(s) or Degree Objective(s)."
2. Complete the top half of the form.
a. Select "Multiple Degree Objectives"
b. The major code for Biostatistics is "GBST"
3. Email the pdf to Amy ( Amy will complete the Graduate Program Section and obtain the necessary signatures.
4. Amy submits the completed and signed form in GradSphere.
After Graduate Studies processes this form and adds the MS Plan II degree pathway to your student record, you can then apply for MS candidacy.
1. Pay the $55 candidacy fee and save a pdf of your receipt. You will need to upload your receipt in GradSphere as part of your candidacy application.
2. In GradSphere under “Graduate Forms,” click the dark blue button labeled “Advancement to Candidacy.”
3. Complete the “Student Information” and “Candidacy Information” sections.
a. Select GBST MS Plan II as the Degree Pathway.
b. Be sure to upload your candidacy receipt.
4. Coursework Required for Your Degree:
a. You should only list courses required for completion of your degree. We prepare a degree worksheet in OASIS that lists these courses—please let Andi or Amy know if you have any questions or if the worksheet needs to be updated.
b. You can view more information about your courses (including grade and instructor) in OASIS > Academic Record > Courses. View instructors by using the “Columns” drop down menu.
c. Transfer coursework: In general, our students do not use transfer coursework for their degree. You will most likely answer “No” to the question about transfer coursework. (Transfer coursework includes classes you took at another university or through UC Davis Extension / Open Campus that has been approved by your Graduate Advisor to use towards your degree.)
5. Review and submit your candidacy application or save and close to return to the application later.
After you submit your candidacy application it will be forwarded to your faculty Graduate Advisor for their review and approval. They may return it to you for revision. After they approve it, your application will be forwarded to Graduate Studies for review and processing. Once your application is complete, you should receive an email from Graduate Studies confirming your advancement to candidacy.
After you advance to candidacy and pass the preliminary exam at the Master's level, the program submits your Master's Plan II Report on your behalf to confirm you have passed the preliminary exam. GradSphere restricts us from submitting the Master’s Report until you have advanced to candidacy.
To obtain your MS degree, you will need to submit the Filing Process form in GradSphere. The deadline to submit the Filing Process form is the last day of instruction of the term for which you want to file.
1. Select "GBST MS Plan II" as your degree pathway. You do not want to accidentally file to graduate for your PhD!
2. If applicable, in "Notes and Comments," state that you are continuing as a PhD student in Statistics at UC Davis.
Submitting the Filing Process form files you to graduate with your MS (only). Filing for graduation cannot be undone, so be sure that you specify the correct graduation term in the form and submit only when you are ready to file.
When Graduate Studies files you to graduate, they will email you a PDF of your Degree Conferral Letter. This letter confirms you have completed all graduation requirements and will be awarded your master's degree on the date of conferral. Many employers, organizations, and government departments who require verification of degree will be satisfied with this letter in the time before your transcript is updated and your diploma is mailed. - Filing to Graduate
- Graduate Studies has a comprehensive guide to filing your dissertation here. Fill out this Department exit survey. We'd love your input and want to keep in touch!
- I Graduated, Now What?!
Congratulations! All of that hard work paid off! Here are some FAQs to hopefully answer, "Now what?"
Q: Will I be notified about my graduation? What happens with all of that candidacy & graduation paperwork I turned in?
A: Your graduation paperwork will be processed by the Graduate Studies office and you'll receive an email with confirmation of your degree and a conferral letter approximately a month after the quarter ends.
Q: When will I get my diploma?
A: Diplomas are mailed about 4 months after the quarter ends. In the degree confirmation email Graduate Studies sends out, there will be instructions about the diploma. But, if you want to get a head start, please see the information on the Registrar's site. Fill out the diploma mailing address change form at the end of the quarter (at least one month before the diploma will be distributed (see distribution dates here).
Q: Can I keep my UC Davis email address?
A: Graduate students graduating or separating from the university will have the option to convert their email to a email address or allow their account to close. Once transitioned, former graduate students will have access to a email account for two years after graduation or separation. Graduate students may opt-in for a third year. Accounts will have a 20GB storage limit.
Consult the student email transition chart for a deeper look at the difference between and accounts.
More information from IET about transitioning your UCD email address.Step 1: Switch to an alternative email account
If you use DavisMail ( email) as your primary email account, open a new account or switch to another email.Step 2: Transfer your email and files
Back up your account and move important emails from your DavisMail account to your new email account.
Funding and Financial Support
- Sign up for Direct Deposit
All students who will be employed at UCD or who receive funding through MyBill will need to enroll in the new (as of Fall 2022) Direct Deposit system.
To sign up for Direct Deposit, please go to MyBill and click on the “Refunds” tab. Here's a step-by-step reference guide to walk you through the enrollment process.Questions? Please contact Student Accounting at 530-752-3646 or Please include your student ID when emailing Student Accounting.
Why Enroll in Direct Deposit?
Any payment or refund made to students through MyBill are eligible for direct deposit. We strongly encourage you to enroll for direct deposit as it expedites these payments by transferring funds electronically into a bank account of your choice. It’s the fastest, most secure way to receive refunds at UCD. Direct Deposit also greatly minimizes the chances of problems since there are no checks to be misplaced, lost or stolen, and there is no delay in receipt of funds, even if you are out of town.
What Happens if I Don’t Enroll in Direct Deposit?
Any payment or refund made to you will be issued as a paper check and you will have to pick it up in-person at the Student Accounting office during regular business hours. This will likely cause a delay in receiving your funds.
- Financial Assistance at UC Davis
- Sign up for Direct Deposit for reimbursements and refunds
Financial Aid office (Dutton Hall, 1st floor): campus grants, loans, scholarships & work study
Student Accounting: Dutton Hall, 2nd Floor.
Complete your FAFSA! (must be U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen) Opens October, priority deadline of March but fill it out at any time. You may be eligible for a $600 campus grant just by filling out your FAFSA.
UCD Financial Systems info: Answers: Which accounting system? Is it visible on MyBill? Is tax withheld?
Emergency, Short-term and Assistant Loans - Fellowships and Awards at UC Davis
- Grad Studies internal fellowships: Review each one and apply for ones in which you’re eligible. Annual deadline of January 15th
Grad Studies Travel Awards – for travel to present a research paper at professional meetings. Due annually on March 15th and October 15th
GSA (Grad Students Assoc) funding opportunities
- Tax Resources
- Student employees: Your W2 and 1095 (health coverage statement, if you need it) should be in UCPath (log in with your kerberos ID and password) but your 1098-T (Tuition/Fellowship/Reimbursement/Stipend Statement) should come via email from UCD Student Accounting.
Students in VITA (the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is a student organization that gives free tax advice.
Tax info on UC Davis sites: W2 information & Tax information from Student Accounting
Academics & Registration
- Academic Information from Grad Studies at UCD
- Full-time students must register for 12 units per quarter including research, academic and seminar units. Courses that fulfill any of the program course requirements may not be taken S/U unless the course is normally graded
Information on how to register, late enrollment, etc.
Academic Services from Grad Studies (registration, finishing your degree & filing deadlines, academic probation, policies and forms!) - PELP, In Absentia & Filing Fee
Cheat sheet below. More information found for PELP & Filing Fee and In Absentia on the Graduate Studies site.
In Absentia PELP Filing Fee Indep Research or enrolled at another Univ outside of CA. Planned Education Leave Program: Suspend academic work for personal reasons. Dissertation is in final draft form. Must graduate at the end of the quarter. Benefit? Reduced fees while out of CA doing research or finishing diss. No fees while you take a break from the program for various personal reasons. Reduced fees while finalizing diss & paperwork to graduate. Deadline to Apply 10th day of instruction 10th day of instruction 1st day of the quarter Keep SHIP? Yes May purchase health cards that entitle you to full student health benefits for 1 quarter**. Yes Duration allowed? 6 Qtrs for PhD, 3 Qtrs for Masters 3 (new grad students not eligible); Extension may be requested. One quarter. Extensions rare, case by case. Eligibility PhDs must be AC; MS must be 2nd year. All Must be AC. Fees 15% of tuition, 15% of Stud Svcs Fee, Full SHIP, Full out-of-state fees. No fees - not a registered status. $162 Summer, too? No, only F/W/S NA No Eligible to receive fellowship? Yes No No fellowships or financial aid. Academic Appt? GSR: Yes; TA/AI/Reader/Tutor: No No Yes: GSR or TA/AI/Reader/Tutor Misc No in-person collab with UC faculty If you go on FF in Spring, you could file in Sept.
Must be a registered student in prior quarter (not PELP).
FF at same time? Yes No Registered Student? Yes No (do not register) No
** If students are out of the area, they may purchase an optional health insurance plan to provide coverage. If students intend to continue UC SHIP benefits, they must notify Student Health & Counseling Services before the first day of the quarter in which PELP status begins.
Health & Wellness
- Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
- Find SHIP Info here
What does SHIP cover? Medical & Mental Health benefits
SHIP Waivers - already have health insurance? Fill out a form every year to waive your SHIP - Food & Nutrition
Aggie Compass: student community space where you can find fresh fruits and vegetables during Fruit & Veggie Up!, get CalFresh enrollment assistance and find resources to help you find stable housing and financial assistance. Memorial Union, M-F, 9a-5p
The Pantry: Mon-Fri: 10am-5pm, Sat-Sun: 10am - 1pm, Memorial Union 154. New online order system!
Student Health cooking class: offered quarterly.
Student Farm weekly produce box: approx. $235/quarter
Davis Farmer’s Market: Central Park - Saturdays 8-1, and Wednesdays 3-6
UCD Farmer’s Market: North Quad - Wednesdays 11-1:30 (fall and spring quarters)CalFresh: state benefits for food
Other Food Resources in the community
Healthy Aggies: nutrition/wellness peer counseling and support. MU Aggie Compass desk. M-F various hours.
Fruit and Veggie Up: Eat more fruits & veggies!
- Health & Mental Health
UCD Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS): offers crisis and ongoing counseling; individual and groups; suicide prevention; sexual health, etc. Counseling referrals from SHCS can be made to a Sacramento location.
Counseling Services for graduate students (in the Graduate Studies office in Walker Hall)
UCD Office of the Ombuds: a confidential, independent, impartial, and informal problem-solving and conflict management resource for all members of the UC Davis community. The Ombuds can assist by listening to concerns, clarifying issues, identifying policies and resources, and providing coaching and communication strategies.
Activities & Rec Center (The ARC): Free for students during academic year (there is a summer cost for grad students).
Campus Recreation: Aquatics, Craft Center, ARC classes, sports clubs, etc.
Yolo County Communicare: offers off-campus health and mental health services on a sliding scale and through other insurance. Located in Woodland
Sutter Davis Hospital: Emergency room & after hours emergency care
Around Davis - Local Resources
- Travel In & Around Davis
Unitrans (buses): grad students do not qualify for free rides but you can purchase discounted 10 Ride Tickets & Monthly passes.
UCD-UCD Medical Center, Sacramento shuttle
UCD- UC Berkeley Shuttle for UCD/UCB faculty, staff and registered students:
UC Davis Transportation and Parking Services
UC Davis Bike Barn: Although there are several bike shops in Davis, the Bike Barn is run by the UC Davis student government (ASUCD – who also run Unitrans) and benefits from a central-campus location for easy bike sales and maintenance. If you're comfortable doing your own work, they run a self-service Bike Garage with tools and parts. Used bikes are also sold at the UCD TAPS Bicycle Auction.
- Davis Wiki
Davis Wiki: Good resource for Davis & UC Davis. Explore, discuss, compile.
Wiki: Getting the most out of your student fees
Wiki: Spots & Places
- Entertainment - Free & Low Cost
Xfinity: Free access on Campus.
Mondavi Center: First ticket free.
Manetti Shrem Museum of Art: Free to all.
UC Davis Athletic Events: Free admittance to many UCD sporting events with ID card.
UCD Outdoor Adventures: Varying costs to experience the outdoors.
Graduate Students with Families
- Grad Students with Families
$600/quarter to all grad students with children for childcare, regardless of financial need through the UC Davis Student Parent Child Care Funding Program (additional need-based funding is also available)
Medical expenses (prenatal care, lactation support, and inpatient care) are covered by the UC DAVIS Student Healthcare Insurance Program (SHIP)
Additional medical support may be obtained through the state Access for Infants and Mothers (AIM) program.
4 weeks of paid leave for childbirth or related medical conditions for the period prior to, during, and after childbirth or 2 weeks to care for and bond with an ASE’s newborn or newly adopted child (Academic Student Employees Unit)
3 days of paid short-term family-related leave per semester which can be used for illness, disability, or family emergency (Academic Student Employees Unit)
Supportive Programs such as the Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) can help families by providing checks for buying healthy supplemental foods
Useful Links
UC Davis Student Parent Child Care Funding Program
UC Davis SHIP Dependent Coverage
UC Davis Breastfeeding Support Program
Childcare local options, summer programs
Women's Resources & Research Center (WRRC) Parenting & Child Care Resources